About Us

618 Wallace Ave

The Lumen Building and Ballroom are perfectly designed to host weddings, fundraisers, meetings, and gatherings.



Lumen’s mission is to be a source of restoration for Christian culture by communally encountering the transcedentals: truth, goodness, and beauty. This will occur through providing musical events, lectures, presentations, and other artistic and intellectual mediums that have been passed down for generations. We intend to engage in the stewardship of Christian culture through the communication of the Transcendentals in order to bring our community closer to God and to each other.


St. John Chrysostom

“The Holy Scriptures were not given to us that we should enclose
them in books, but that we should engrave them upon our hearts.“

St. John Chrysostom

A uniting force in Christendom, Saint John Chrysostom is an early Church father and one of the great Christian orators. As the patron of orators and rhetoricians, Saint John was devoted to encountering and communicating truth, beauty, and goodness, even unto death.

We look to Saint John Chrysostom’s intercession to receive God’s blessing over this endeavor through a devotion to the author of the Transcendentals, the Triune God.

Our prayer is that all of Lumen’s works will be for the building up of Christ’s body and that greater unity will exist amongst all of God’s people.

618 Wallace Ave

Enrichment of Christian Culture Through Intellectual Engagement and the Arts

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